WinDirStat Portable

WinDirStat Portable

Image WinDirStat Portable
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Analyzes the hard drive for sizes and distributions"

WinDirStat Portable scans your hard drive totally or partially in case you just want to check the status of some folders. The program gives you information about the distribution of all the files and directories located in the memory unit, showing you additionally the weight of them.

The information gathered by WinDirStat Portable goes beyond this by including common computer files, large folders, directory schematization, and other relevant aspects that must be taken into account when dealing with any hard drive regardless of the type of use you intend to make of the drive.

WinDirStat Portable represents the distribution of the disk with a kind of map that will be easy for you to understand. The rest of the data is stored in the report created by the program that does not need to be installed on the computer to analyze the memory unit.